Gyeongsangnam-do Miryang, South Gyeongsang Province, 5 kg of suspended sweet persimmon-------------
(경남 밀양 부유 단감 실속 5kg (27-28과)-----------
경남 밀양 부유 단감 실속 5kg Gyeongsangnam-do Miryang, South Gyeongsang Province, 5 kg of suspended sweet persimmon
Jeju specialty Golden Fragrance Picnic Pack 3kg (18-27 pieces)------------
(제주 명물 황금향 피크닉팩 3kg(18~27과))-----------
Jeju specialty Golden Fragrance Picnic Pack 3kg (18-27 pieces)------------
(제주 명물 황금향 피크닉팩 3kg(18~27과))
tangerine--Jeju high-sugar new variety Mihwahyang 3kg (25 fruits for home use)----------------
(감귤----제주 고당도 신품종 미화향 3kg (가정용 25과내)--
tangerine--Jeju high-sugar new variety Mihwahyang 3kg (25 fruits for home use(감귤----제주 고당도 신품종 미화향 3kg (가정용 25과내)--
Same-day harvest Nonsan gold strawberries for home use 30-40 pieces------------
(당일수확 논산 금 딸기 가정용 30-40구)---------------
당일수확 논산 금 딸기 가정용 30-40구--Same-day harvest Nonsan gold strawberries for home use--
7 packs of steamed chestnuts from Gwangyang x 50g-------------------
(밤을 그대로 광양 찐밤 7봉 x 50g)---------------
7 packs of steamed chestnuts from Gwangyang x 50g,밤을 그대로 광양 찐밤 7봉 x 50g--
Chungnam Gongju Okkwangbam Sun-dried Chestnuts Medium 4kg---------------
(충남 공주 옥광밤 햇밤 중 4kg)----
Chungnam Gongju Okkwangbam Sun-dried Chestnuts Medium 4kg,충남 공주 옥광밤 햇밤 중 4kg--
Tangerines----Jeju Island Red Fragrance Gift Set 3kg ----------------
(감귤--제주도 레드향 선물세트 3kg (11-14과))------------
Tangerines----Jeju Island Red Fragrance Gift Set 3kg ----------------
(감귤--제주도 레드향 선물세트 3kg (11-14과))--
Golden Fruit Premium Sangju Dried Persimmon Gift Set of 30 Pieces-----------
(황금과일 명품 상주 곶감 선물세트 30과)----------------
Golden Fruit Premium Sangju Dried Persimmon Gift Set of 30 Pieces-----------
(황금과일 명품 상주 곶감 선물세트 30과)--
1.5kg of domestic bananas from Sancheong, South Gyeongsang Province----------
(경남 산청 국내산 바나나 1.5kg)-------------------
1.5kg of domestic bananas from Sancheong, South Gyeongsang Province----------
(경남 산청 국내산 바나나 1.5kg)--
Dried persimmons, semi-dried, 800g (20 pieces, about 40g each)----------------
(곶감대감 실속형반건시800g(20과,개당40g내외))--------
Dried persimmons, semi-dried, 800g (20 pieces, about 40g each)--
(곶감대감 실속형반건시800g(20과,개당40g내외))---
(For gift) Sea breeze yellow sweet potato malrang 75g*8 bags-------------------
((선물용)갯바람 황토 군고구마말랭이 75g*8봉지)--------
(For gift) Sea breeze yellow sweet potato malrang 75g*8 bags--
((선물용)갯바람 황토 군고구마말랭이 75g*8봉지)---
Chungnam Gongju 1st Prize Jeongan Jade Light Chestnut Special 2kg--------------
(충남 공주 1등 정안 옥광밤 특 2kg)------------------
Chungnam Gongju 1st Prize Jeongan Jade Light Chestnut Special 2kg---
(충남 공주 1등 정안 옥광밤 특 2kg)-------
[Maple Beauty] Jeongeup Honey Sweet Potato (Beniharuka) 5kg/38 pieces (top)------------------
([단풍미인] 정읍 꿀고구마(베니하루카) 5kg/38개내외(상))--------------------------
[Maple Beauty] Jeongeup Honey Sweet Potato (Beniharuka) 5kg/38 pieces (top)------------------
([단풍미인] 정읍 꿀고구마(베니하루카) 5kg/38개내외--
2.5 kg of sweet persimmon produced in Korea---------
(국내산 태추단감 2.5kg)--------------------------------
[Sangju dried persimmon] 1.5kg semi-dried persimmon for home use (30 pieces, 51-56g per piece)--------------
([상주곶감]가정용 반건시 1.5kg(30과,개당51-56g))------
[Sangju dried persimmon] 1.5kg semi-dried persimmon for home use (30 pieces, 51-56g per piece)--
([상주곶감]가정용 반건시 1.5kg(30과,개당51-56g))--
공주 정안 햇밤 특 2kg-----------------------
Domestic premium fruit persimmon 2.5kg large------
(국내산 프리미엄 후르츠 단감 2.5kg 대과)----------------
Domestic premium fruit persimmon 2.5kg large--
(국내산 프리미엄 후르츠 단감 2.5kg 대과)---
Gangwon-do frozen white sweet corn 30 pieces------
강원도 냉동 미백찰옥수수 30개---------------------
감귤---제주 고당도 황금향 2kg 가정용-------------
제주 고당도 타이벡 감귤 2.5kg 중대과----------------
Domestically produced Haenam pumpkin sweet potato special unwashed 2kg---------------
(국내산 해남 호박고구마 특상 비세척 2kg)(100~300g)--
Domestically produced Haenam pumpkin sweet potato special unwashed 2kg----
(국내산 해남 호박고구마 특상 비세척 2kg)--
Domestically produced Yeongdong semi-dried semi-dried Dongshi high-quality dried persimmon No. 1 (35-40g) 2 packs---------------
(국내산 영동 반건조 반건시 둥시 고급 곶감 1호(35~40g) 2팩)----------------------
Domestically produced Yeongdong semi-dried semi-dried Dongshi high-quality dried persimmon No. 1 (35-40g) 2 packs----
(국내산 영동 반건조 반건시 둥시 고급 곶감 1호(35~40g) 2팩)---
Directly delivered from the countryside, domestic Jeju tangerine kkumgang 550g--------
(산지직송 국내산 제주 금귤 낑깡 550g)------------------
Directly delivered from the countryside, domestic Jeju tangerine kkumgang 550g--------
(산지직송 국내산 제주 금귤 낑깡 550g)----
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