Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Broken Windows Policing: A Link between Crime and Disorder? Report--깨진 Windows 정책 : 범죄와 장애 사이의 연관성?깨진 창문 치안은 경범죄에 대한 경찰의 관심 증가와 질서 유지가 범죄 예방에 긍정적 인 영향을 미칠 것이라는 주장을 기반으로합니다

 Broken Windows Policing: A Link between Crime and Disorder? Report


Broken Windows Policing: A Link between Crime and Disorder?

The current paper reviews empirical evidence that shows the positive effects of broken windows policing on crime dr-ops and explores how broken windows policing is related to society today.

1. Introduction
2. Crime-Control Value of Broken Windows Policing
3. Counterpart Arguments by Critics
4. What is Missing in Literature
5. Broken Windows Policing in Contemporary Society
6. Conclusion
Broken windows policing is based on the thesis that increased police attention to petty crimes and order maintenance will have a positive impact on crime prevention. It was first suggested in a 1982 article of the Atlantic Monthly by James Wilson and George Kelling. Inspired by Zimbardo’s field study (1969) that examined if abandoned cars placed in a public space would be vandalized, Wilson and Kelling (1982) linked urban decay to subsequent occurrences of serious crime. They noted that just like ‘a broken window’ signals the lack of care, neighborhood disorder (e.g., graffiti, trash) send the same signal, fostering more serious crime (e.g., murders, robbery). In this situation, they argued, the police can perform a specific role in interrupting this process. If police officials focus on maintaining order and treating minor offenses (e.g., vandalism, littering), they can generate an atmosphere of lawfulness and then prevent serious crime. It gained wider support in the 1990s when it was applied to the task of reestablishing order and diminishing crime in New York City (Ritzer, 2017). Since then, it has becoming a common crime control strategy adopted by police departments across the nation.
Although scholars and policy makers have argued for years that broken windows policing can prevent more serious crime, studies on the crime reduction efficacy of disorder policing have yielded inconsistent findings. As an example, Skogan (1990) suggested a high correlation between disorderly neighborhoods and serious crime. However, in a reanalysis of Skogan’s (1990) data, Harcourt (1998) reported no meaningful link between them. Largely due to the lack of consensus on how to accurately measure the link if it indeed exists, these conflicting results have produced doubts on the role broken windows policing as a key crime prevention strategy.

자료출처 :


문서분량 : 10 Page
파일종류 : DOCX 파일
자료제목 : Broken Windows Policing: A Link between Crime and Disorder?
파일이름 : Broken Windows Policing A Link between Crime and Disorder.docx
키워드 : broken,windows,policing,crime,disorder,Broken,Windows,Policing:,A,Link
자료No(pk) : 21060203


깨진 Windows 정책 : 범죄와 장애 사이의 연관성?

본문 / 목차

1. 서론
2. 깨진 창문 정책의 범죄 통제 가치
3. 비평가들의 반대 주장
4. 문학에서 빠진 것
5. 현대 사회의 깨진 창문 정책
6. 결론

깨진 창문 치안은 경범죄에 대한 경찰의 관심 증가와 질서 유지가 범죄 예방에 긍정적 인 영향을 미칠 것이라는 주장을 기반으로합니다. James Wilson과 George Kelling이 1982 년 Atlantic Monthly의 기사에서 처음 제안했습니다. 공공 장소에 놓인 버려진 자동차가 파손될 수 있는지 여부를 조사한 Zimbardo의 현장 연구 (1969)에서 영감을 얻어 Wilson과 Kelling (1982)은 도시 붕괴를 심각한 범죄 발생과 연결했습니다. 그들은 '깨진 창문'이 보살핌 부족을 나타내는 것처럼 이웃 장애 (예 : 낙서, 쓰레기)가 동일한 신호를 보내 더 심각한 범죄 (예 : 살인, 강도)를 조장한다고 지적했습니다. 이 상황에서 그들은 경찰이이 과정을 방해하는 특정 역할을 수행 할 수 있다고 주장했다. 경찰관이 질서를 유지하고 경범죄를 처리하는 데 집중한다면 (예 : 기물 파손, 쓰레기), 합법적 인 분위기를 조성하고 심각한 범죄를 예방할 수 있습니다. 1990 년대부터는… (생략)

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